Neon signs are the most attractive signs when they are on. (days and nights)

Neon signs are composed by  3 parts 

 1) Glass tubing 

 2) High voltage Transformer

 3) A carrier board on which all tubing are installed . 

Neon signs can be designed and manufactured in a single or double lined, nude or covered as:

* Main Front Sign  

* Complimentary of Front Sign

- Borders only (outdoor , indoor)

- Independent window sign

- Main front sign

The whole main front sign can be made from neon tubing without any coverage.

- Complimentary of front sign 

  When designing your sign you can add some parts made with neon  tubing to create some light and make your sign more catchy.

- Borders only (outdoor , indoor)

Borders may be used to give an impression of larger sign or to make stand out the whole building or part of it.

Borders mostly are used around windows.

- Independent window sign

We can design and manufacture all shapes, texts, cliparts and symbols in neon tubing signs.

These kinds of signs are made from a neon tubing, Plastic box background and a Transformer. They are ready to plug and very easy to hang behind the window.

We have in stock open neon signs.


Depends on the number of letters and their size, or the length of curves and the number of bending , the size of plastic box and the power of transformer to be used.


                                                             Neon Prices (Single Line)                                 Borders $9.00/lft

 Height 3"     4"     5"     6"     7"     8"     9"    10"     11"     12"     13"      14"      15"      16"      17"     18"      19"      20"
Red (Neon)/letter 30     29    28     26    27      28      29     30      31      32      33       34        35       36         37      38          39      40
Blue ( Mercury) 35"   34"   33"   31"   42"   43"     34"   35     36        37       38       39        40      41        42      43          44     45

Neon tubes are always installed on a board.

For indoor uses, the board is often made from 3/16" Black or Clear acrylic 

12"x 24"     $  75.00

18" x 30"    $100.00

24"x36"       $125.00

Prices include: The acrylic sheet + bending of top and bottom side(3") + Hooks + 1 foot chain(2pcs)

Related to the length of neon tubes we decide the power of the transformer to use.

6000V 9000V 12000V 15000V
$85.00 $95.00 $145.00 $150.00

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